✨ About
Lavalink Music Bot made by Nao#9774 focusing to be a power full discord music bot and have a loot of features
Lavalink Music Bot still in development mode and will have a loot of features
🎶 Music Features
Nao has a Music Features that can play music from SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube, Radio Link
- The music feature can play music directly from spotify.
- Music feature that uses buttons for easy control and does not have to type commands to change songs, stop songs, or view song lists
- Support 24 hours without leaving the voice channel and this is set by default.
- Auto Leave Channel when there is no someone in Voice Chanenl.
📥 Self Hosting Instruction
- Download Node.JS LTS version from here
- Install typescript and ts-node globaly by doing this commands
npm i -g typescript ts-node
- Clone this repositroy by doing this commands
git clone https://github.com/ameliakiara/Lavalink-Music-Bot
Note: If you doesn't have git you can download this repository or download git from here
- Install the depencies from by doing this command
npm install --save
- Setting up you
Lavalink Server
- Self Host method
- Install Java/OpenJDK/Zulu ( Recommended v13 )
- Download requirement that i mentioned above
- Download binaries from the CI server or the GitHub releases.
- Put an
file in the same folder ofLavalink.jar
(Example here) - Run with
java -jar Lavalink.jar
- Setting up
# Discord Bot Token
# Get it from (https://discord.com/developers/applications)
# Discord Ids of bot's developers
# Value must be an array
# Discord bot's prefix
# Send error message on console to sentry.io
# Get it from (https://sentry.io)
# Lavalink Server
# Spotify Client ID & Secret
# Get it from (https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/)
# WebClient Port
# Acces it from (http://localhost:5572)
# Or just custom your port with what ever you want (Ex: 1238102381209380923812093 ) nice right?
# TOP_GG Poster
# Put your top.gg discord bot token from webhook page in top.gg dashboard when you edit your bot
# MongoDB Client
# Get it from (https://mlab.com, https://account.mongodb.com/account/login, https://railway.app <= plugins)
- After all those stepp is done, run this command
npm run build && npm start
- And your bot ready to go.
- Also fell free to give me star or donate me from link below to keep me update this repo and add more features!
- If you fell this is hard, or you don't understand, just click
Deploy on Railway
and just setting theVariable aka .env
and your Bot ready to go - For Free Lavalink Server List.